Monday, September 3, 2012

Ecosystem 101: The Six Necessary Categories To Build The Next Silicon Valley

totaladjustedEditor's Note:?Benjamin Joffe is the founder of the Asia-focused digital research & strategy consultancy?+8* | Plus Eight Star?and has been living in Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia) since 2000. Benjamin has spoken at over 100 conferences (SxSW, TEDx, LeWeb, GamesBeat, etc.) on innovation, Asia, gaming and his?keynotes?gathered over 250,000 views on Slideshare. The topic is not new (see here articles on China, Japan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Singapore) and investors are also pretty excited about it (see Sequoia?s latest round). As I was answering by drawing from my 12 years across Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia), I had a sort of epiphany and started to write down the criteria I thought composed an ecosystem. I then proceeded to score several markets using those, which brought interesting comparisons. The initial draft expanded into this column. It is far from perfect and comments to improve it are welcome!


national pancake day

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