Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Detox | Hoyles Fitness

How to Detox

The detox myth has been around for years. Essentially it gives the impression that you can abuse your body ? eat too much junk, drink too much alcohol, caffeine and sugar, smoke, don?t exercise and stay up late and then follow that up with a week of drinking dehydrated, powdered ?vitamins? and all will be well.

Absolute nonsense. Don?t believe a word of it. There is far more to detoxing than drinking over-priced shakes and eating nothing.

First of all, let us outline toxins. These are chemicals that are ingested from a variety of sources ? they can be environmental (car fumes, paint fumes, cleaning chemicals), topical (chemicals in cosmetics such as make up, moisturisers, deodorants), ingested (foods, drink and lifestyle choices such as processed foods, alcohol, coffee, cigarette smoke). Some people are allergic to certain fabrics and chemicals in clothing, so these could even come under the toxin umbrella.

The toxins we are subjected to cause a number of problems in the body. The main problem is that they have to be removed and this stresses our internal organs ? in particular the liver and kidneys which are ultimately responsible for the cleanup and removal of these chemicals. The higher the exposure, the harder these organs have to work to clear out the chemicals. After chronic exposure to these chemicals there is a much higher chance of the organs responsible for the cleanup becoming damaged ? a classic example is alcohol abuse and liver disease.

So now we know what toxins are and how we are exposed to them, how can we detox?

This article will outline a step by step, practical approach. To truly cleanse we have to look at more than just chemicals though ? we will look at light pollution and noise pollution as well.

First of all, my suggestion is to take a week out to properly detox. If you can, take a holiday as you do it. The point is to be as physically and mentally relaxed as you can so if you need a break to do this, go ahead. A retreat doesn?t have to be abroad ? head off to the countryside without a laptop or phone and enjoy yourself. Your body will thank you for it!

So here is the Hoyles Fitness step by step guide to detoxing?

Step 1: Remove you exposure to ingested toxins.

Take a look at your life and determine the exposure to ingested toxins. Is your diet up to scratch? Are you eating organic foods? How are they being cooked? Are you getting the most benefit from the foods you are eating? Is your water being filtered?

Remove alcohol from your diet. Alcohol is an empty nutrient and a particularly strong toxin. Its removal from your system will improve your mental and physical health almost immediately. Caffeine also has to go. It is a neural stimulant that gives you an artificial boost and over the long term can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

If you smoke, stop. I don?t care how, just stop. For help with this, see (link).

  • Go organic. Eat seasonal, unprocessed fruits, vegetables and meats. Cook them as minimally as possible and where possible using only cast-iron cooking utensils. Non-stick is chemical based, so try to avoid these when detoxing.
  • Drink only filtered water ? depending on where you live, tap water can be high in heavy metals and other chemicals.
  • Remove all alcohol, caffeine and refined sugars from the diet.

Step 2: Remove exposure to topical toxins.

Go to your cosmetics cupboard and grab one of the products there. Look at the ingredients list on the back and see how natural some of them are. Surprised at what you find? Then consider this ? you apply these chemicals to your skin every single day. Reduce your exposure to these chemicals by changing your products to organic versions, and where possible, don?t use them at all ? at least not whilst detoxing.

  • For washing hair and skin, go for an organic soap. This will cleanse without adding heavy metals to your hair or using harsh chemicals that strip the hair of its natural protection.
  • For moisturising, one of the oldest products in use is olive oil. Ignore its use as a cooking or food oil ? like vinegar it is a product with hundreds of uses.
  • For deodorant, simply use talc. It has no chemicals and does as good, if not better a job that sprays.
  • Avoid make up. If you are on holiday nobody cares what you look like ? only you!

Step 3: Avoid environmental toxins.

If you live in a city, this can be difficult. Car fumes, factory fumes, passive smoking, landfill etc can all add to the level of toxicity of your body. This is another reason I suggest getting away from it all if you really do want to fully detox and take advantage of clean air.

  • Within your immediate surroundings, look for organic or homemade cleaning solutions. I am no expert in this area, but things like lemon juice, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, sparking water etc are all known for their cleaning properties.
  • Whilst changing the paint on the walls may be taking things a step far, explore your options for next time you decorate if you want a toxin-free home.

Another surprising toxin is ?dirty electricity?. Charles Poliquin raised the idea when I saw him speak that low level electrical radiation from devices such as TV?s, computers, games consoles etc may have a detrimental effect on health. I have not explored this area in great detail, but removing yourself from these devices would at least give your brain a chance to rest, so give up your facebook habit for a week and do yourself a favour!

Step 4: Get proper sleep.

Sleeping is vital during day to day life, but during a detox is becomes critical. According to figures, most of us get by on around 6-7 hours per night, whereas experts say we should aim for 8-10 hours. Not only is the quantity of sleep important, but the quality. A proper sleep should see you wake feeling fully refreshed and rested.

  • An hour before bedtime, dim the lights in your house. This allows your brain to produce melatonin which is a powerful sleep-inducing chemical. This allows for a more natural journey into sleep.
  • Make sure the bedroom is pitch black. If you need to, buy blackout blinds for your windows, cover up all LCD lights, close the doors and turn off all mobile phones or light-emitting devices. Make your sleep environment as dark and as quiet possible.
  • Invest in the best mattress you can afford. You spend lots of time in bed, so make it comfortable.
  • Don?t use the computer in bed ? this is stressful to the pineal gland so makes falling asleep more difficult.
  • Don?t drink anything an hour before bed ? chances are you will be waking up soon needing to go to the toilet.

Step 5: Go somewhere quiet.

Modern life is an attack on the senses. We are often artificially woken up by alarms, stressed in work, eat poor quality foods on the go. We spend our days out of the fresh air, in air-conditioned, artificially-lit buildings. We listen to loud music, are exposed to bright lights, eat artificially flavoured food and drinks. We stay up later, take too little rest and too little exercise. Our air quality is poor and in the cities, we can?t escape the constant background noise of modern life.

Remove yourself from this. Give your brain a rest. We are only consciously aware of a tiny fraction of the work our brains are doing at any one time. Give it a chance to switch off for a few days by going somewhere quiet, somewhere that the sun shines, a place where you don?t have to be on your guard for passing traffic every few seconds. A chance to relax will leave you feeling mentally refreshed.

Step 6: Exercise

I have said many times, in my opinion exercise is the cornerstone to a fantastic life. Lift weights, walk, stay flexible and strong. Your body will thank you. If you can, exercise outdoors. Lift things, carry things, jump over things, swim ? anything! Just move your body and do so frequently.

Step 7: Sauna

A sauna is a great way to improve circulation, remove heavy metals and toxins from the skin and promote skin health. A weekly or twice weekly sauna is an excellent way to keep your skin and circulatory system working well, and allows you to repair and recover from exercise induced trauma. Just make sure you are well hydrated and only stay in there as long as you feel comfortable.

Step 8: Get some sun exposure.

This one is controversial, but I don?t care. I stand firmly in the camp that sun exposure is good for us. Before I carry on though, I want to point out that I am not condoning hours of sun worshipping, burning yourself to a frazzle. I suggest that a few minutes of sun exposure 15-60 minutes depending on the power of the sun has numerous health benefits. As long as you are careful not to burn, the sun is one of nature?s health foods.

The most famous benefit of sunlight is vitamin D production. This vitamin has hundreds of benefits including regulation of minerals, reduced cancer risk, improved immunity and reduced risk of metabolic diseases amongst others. Additional benefits of sun exposure include improved organ function, improved mental health, greater relaxation, improved joint mobility and decreased risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


So these are my 8 steps to a complete physical and mental detox. To some they may seem extreme, but done correctly these steps will give your body a thorough spring clean. If you take the advice, expect to feel very tired at first as your body gets a chance to climb down from its stimulant-fuelled artificial high. You will sleep for longer, but feel better in the mornings. You will restore mental clarity and feel more energised. If you have lived a particularly toxic life (lots of poor food choices, too much alcohol, smoking, lots of chemical cosmetics) don?t be surprised if you feel rough for a few days as your liver works through a backlog of chemicals!

When you are a few days in, you will be glad you took a week out of your life to give your body the TLC it deserves. Forget useless ?detox? products ? your body is the best detoxifying agent there is, you just need to help it along by not constantly re-toxing!

For more information or help with detoxing, get in touch at

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