Brace yourselves, people of Turkey, for a shiny object — likely composed of sheets of stainless steel and massive glasses edifices — is about to land in Istanbul: an Apple Store. The first such retail outlet in Turkey is set to open at 10AM on April 5th in the Zorlu Center luxury mixed-use development — so says the new listing for the new store on Apple's online store finder.
Photos posted on Webrazzi and Shirli Elma show the store currently wrapped in a deep blue minimalist teaser of the store to come. It appears to be a massive location, spanning two stories in the middle of the Zorlu Center's shopping complex and even sprouting out the top in between the hi-rise portions of the complex — not unlike the iconic 5th Avenue Apple Store in New York City.
This does come at an interesting time for technology in Turkey, with the government cracking down on free speech that criticizes the government by blocking access to Twitter and YouTube. Doubtless, though, the April 5th opening will draw substantial lines of Apple fans in Turkey, as Apple Store openings tend to do.
Source: Apple, Webrazzi, Shirli Elma Thanks to Goktug for the tip!
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