Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dee leaves NFL Dolphins to become Padres CEO

By Dayn Perry | Baseball Writer

Mike Dee has been announced as the Padres' new president and CEO. (USATSI)
Mike Dee has been announced as the Padres' new president and CEO. (USATSI)

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Mere days ago, Tom Garfinkel stepped down as president and CEO of the Padres and, on Wednesday, the team announced his replacement. Taking over those two high-powered roles will be Mike Dee, who leaves his position as CEO of the NFL's Miami Dolphins.

Dee previously worked for the Padres 1995-2002, serving first as director of corporate development and then as senior vice-president of business affairs. After leaving the Padres, he served as executive vice-president of business affairs and then chief operating officer for the Red Sox. Dee has been at the helm of the Dolphins since May 2009.

"I am thrilled to be coming home to San Diego -- an extraordinary community that has always been very special to me,? Dee said in a statement released by the team. ?The Padres organization is where I started my sports career nearly two decades ago, and I am grateful to Ron [Fowler] and Peter [Seidler] for the opportunity to return to my roots."

Eye On Baseball is lovingly crafted each day by thinking-man's kickboxers Matt Snyder, Dayn Perry and Mike Axisa. For more baseball news, rumors and analysis, follow @eyeonbaseball on Twitter, subscribe to the RSS feed and "like" us on Facebook. Also, individually interact with us on Twitter: @MattSnyder27, @daynperry and @mikeaxisa.

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