Watch out Stephen King and Dean Koontz! Your replacement has arrived. Keith Knapp's first novel shows that sci-fi thrillers will continue to excel way past the days of King and Koontz. Knapp is the future of the genre and Moonlight
Moonlight keeps you hanging on, wondering what's going to happen next with shock and suspense at every corner. Anyone who enjoys a thrilling roller coaster of a journey in his or her reading will enjoy this book.
The character development is extremely well done and you find yourself really knowing and understanding exactly who each person is. Combine this with the way the story is written makes you really feel the different types of fear each individual character feels. Your feelings and fears change as the story moves from one person to the next. However it's not just a good scare but a good, original plotline with great message merged into it.
Moonlight reminds me of "Ladies Night" by Jack Ketchum but not as gory and has more control, depth and direction. However, it certainly is not a book for a young child and I can't quite understand why a parent would let a "kid" read it unless they were raised on horror like I was and are mature enough to handle adult situations. Yes, there is swearing, yes there is gore but it is not over the top. There is no more violence and profanity than you would find in your average NC 17 movie.
I recommend this book to everyone. Even if you do not enjoy the genre this may be the book that changes your mind. It shows you that you don't have to be a member of the geek squad to enjoy supernatural/sci-fi, you may find yourself a fan in the end.
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What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?
Keith Knapp
I would like to think the notion of these everyday people caught up in some not-so-everyday circumstances is something we can all at least partially relate to. Maybe not the other-worldly stuff, of course, but the idea of asking yourself "What would I do in this situation?" has always appealed to me. And I think that's why I end up with so many characters; a way to see an event or a small portion of time through many different sets of eyes.
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Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?
Keith Knapp
People in the world are pretty forthcoming when it comes to giving information in order to research a novel. Granted, not everyone can be as forthcoming as they perhaps want to be due to the current state of the world we live in. You'll notice a vast amount of information and details missing about power stations, or stuff that's just plain wrong about how generators work. I've been told this area of our civilization is relatively hush-hush, especially after 9/11, and I'm more than okay with that. It wasn't something I thought about when I started, but found it rather interesting once I hit the roadblocks.
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Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?
Keith Knapp
Yes, and the most important and valuable lesson I learned, outside of improving basic writing skills, will remain personal. Let's just say that I mirror one of the characters in "Moonlight" and have had his/her thoughts many times in my life. Writing "Moonlight" helped me see some of those thoughts through to their conclusion.
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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?
Keith Knapp
That it doesn't suck.
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Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?
Keith Knapp
I think figuring out which character I relate to the most (it's fairly obvious, really) and what events in the story are true; there are a number of them.
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How can readers help you promote this book?
Keith Knapp
Just do what readers do, do what I do after I read a good book: tell your friends. Most books we read are based in some part on recommendation; someone told someone that such-and-such was a wild ride of a read. And if you don't like it? Well, you're always more than welcome to let me know what you didn't like: writers never stop learning how to write and can never stop improving or honing their craft.
About You: Keith Knapp
Keith Knapp has been doing one form of writing or another since he was a kid. He started with short stories then moved to screenplays when he discovered a love for movies during high school. During this time he also became heavily involved in music (playing drums), and still does to this day. After moving from Chicago (where he attended film school) to Los Angeles to pursue a screenwriting career, Keith eventually found himself turning a movie idea of his into his first novel, Moonlight. It wasn't by choice; the story simply wasn't working as a script. Since then he's devoted himself full-time to writing novels. He currently lives in Van Nuys with his three cats.
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Why do you write?
Keith Knapp
I write mainly horror, both in novel and short-story form. I like the scary books.
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What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Keith Knapp
What I consider a strength, some people consider a weakness. But I like dealing with large groups of characters and seeing how they intertwine with one another in a given situation, espcially when those people are from vastly different walks of life.
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What quality do you most value in yourself?
Keith Knapp
You're talking to a guy who doesn't view himself in the brightest light. I'll be the first to mention ten other books that are better than anything I've ever written or will write and the first to point out a mistake. So I value the times when I actually shut up and let others talk.
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In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?
Keith Knapp
Music. I love music. I used to be a drummer, probably always will be. It will always be a big part of my life.
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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
Keith Knapp
I'd say finishing a novel. Never thought I'd be able to do it, but here I am working on novel three.
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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?
Keith Knapp?
I'm still making my way through those "old" and "established" authors like Stephen King, Clive Barker, Dean Koontz, Jack Ketchum, H.P. Lovecraft, Kim Stanley Robinson... the list goes on and on. But if anyone has any recommendations, I'm always all ears.
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