CASA GRANDE, AZ ? Susanne Eman is on a mission.? She wants to be the fattest woman in the world.
Susanne Eman, a 728-pound mother (and model), is aiming to become the world?s fattest woman ever despite her doctor warning that she is playing ?Russian roulette with her life?.
Eman is attempting to eat her way to becoming the fattest person in history. She already tips the scale at 728-pounds on is her way to her goal weight of 1,600 pounds.

Along the way, she passed Donna Simpson, the New Jersey woman who weighs a svelte 700-pounds. Simpson has a more modest goal ? she only wants to weigh 1,000 pounds.
The fattest person ever was Jon Brower Minnoch, who at one point weighed 1,400 pounds. He also is the record holder for most weight lost ? 920 pounds.

But Eman? isn?t interested in losing any of their weight.
?The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel confident and sexy,? said the 32-year-old Eman.? ?The more weight I gain, the more guys want to be with me, the more sex I have.?
?Why not see how fat I can get? I want to break the stigma that being fat is a bad thing,?? Eman says.
If Eman sets the record, it will officially go undocumented. That?s because the Guinness Book of Records, which makes such things official, no longer lists records that could endanger a person?s health, like fattest person.
?It?s not fair,? said Eman.? ?I should be in the Guinness Book of Records. I earned it.?
Eman says her other goal is to pose nude for Playboy.? ?I?m in talks with Hugh Hefner, but he hasn?t made a decision yet.?
The 728-pound bombshell eats at least 20,000 calories a day.
Here she is posing with two sons, Gabriel, left, 16, and Brendin, right, 12, and their dog Sisco, 6, at their home in Casa Grande, Arizona.

Here she is with her younger sister, Cassie. Susanne thinks Cassie is jealous of her and her sexy fat.? ?She?d love to be me,? said Eman.

Susanne is creating a stir among fans of ?Super Size Big Beautiful Women? (SSBBWs) ? plans to increase her calorie-intake to keep gaining.? ?I?d love to find out if it?s humanly possible to reach a ton,? she said.
Susanne visits the supermarket once a month with her sons and spends up to eight hours filling six shopping carts.
?It?s like a full day?s work,? said Susanne, who uses a motorized scooter, but astonishingly believes she can stay healthy.
She added: ?The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel more confident and sexy. Why shouldn?t I push the limits and see how fat I can get and stay healthy??
Susanne?s bizarre mission began after she couldn?t stop gaining weight naturally.
?Two years ago I hit 400 poundss because I was losing my battle against weight gain,? she said.
?I noticed I actually started attracting more men, and it made me feel good.?
?At my current rate of growth, I should be 1,600 pounds by age 41 or 42.?
??I take my blood pressure once a week, and every day, after I exercise, I take readings of my other vitals. I use a pulse oximeter to measure the concentration of oxygen in my blood stream.
?And I take my blood sugar levels just like a diabetic. If either of the readings go above a certain level, I?ll immediately contact my doctor for advice.
Despite warnings from her doctor that her bizarre experiment could kill her, Susanne insists she wants to break the record.

Dr Patrick Flite said: ?She?s really playing Russian roulette with her life with this goal. There are well-documented complications that come with morbid obesity.
?I would never encourage anyone to be doing what Susanne is doing.?
Dr Flite said Susanne?s medical checks showed no current problems, adding: ?She?s capable of making her own decisions. I don?t see any psychiatric problems or anything else wrong.?
But Susanne admitted she?s taken steps to protect her children in the future.
?The boys do notice my diet and that I eat more each day,? she said.
?I tell them that everybody likes different things. If I?m making something fatty and they want something healthy, then I make us different meals.?
The unemployed mother ? who cannot work because of her weight ? claims she stays active by doing simple exercises and having regular health checks.
?I want to break the stigma that being fat is a bad thing,? she said. ?I remind other fat people that it is OK for them to be that way.
?The message I want to get across is for people to accept others for who they are.?
?My next goal is to be 800lbs by the end of the year.
Good luck, Susanne.? WWN ? and all our readers ? are behind you!? Really, we are?
Source: http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/37391/susanne-eman-the-728-pound-woman/
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